Overwhelmed? Start here!

blue head outline with whirling circles and lines.
Our aim is for you to go from chaos to calm so you can get back to doing good.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed! We are here to help.

On this website you’ll find details of the various services we offer, plus some free resources aimed at Area & Local Meeting clerks and Premises committees. If you’re just starting to think about bringing someone in to do some of the work, our Outsourcing Leaflet will give you some questions. For those click Resources in the green menu bar above.

If you are looking for help on a specific topic you can click on the other words in the green menu bar above which will take you to a landing page with suggestions and guidance. Our blog has a wide range of articles, on everything from legal and technical information to things that made us laugh.

If your concern is something that covers a multiple of those topics, and you think it would just be easier to talk to someone, click on the link below.